Tikaani - More Photos
Tikaani has done very well with his co-breeder showing him. In two months of limited showing Tikaani is singled out w/10 AKC points, a Best Puppy in Show, a Best of Breed over Top 5 champions in the country along with a Group Four and a Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show, & a Reserve Winners Dog at 6 months of age to a 5 Point major at the Siberian Husky Club of the Twin Cities! All by 8 months of age!
April 2018 - Tikaani is pictured below with co-Breeder/co-owner Julie Lamonska at the Siberian Husky Club of the Twin Cities Specialty, winning Reserve Winners Dog from the 6-9 month puppy class!
April 2018 - Tikaani with his breeder/owner Julie Lamonska after taking a Best Bred-By Exhibitor In Show! Way to go, Team Kansa!
March 2018 - Tikaani is pictured winning a Working Group Fourth and a Best Puppy In Show after winning BEST OF BREED over top specials from the country! Go Tikaani and Julie!